WHAT IS IT?  The We ROAR Project is a simple movement made possible by YOU.

It is a revolution of kindness + contagious smile spreading through random acts of “otherly” affirmation.

Discouragement, self-loathing and isolation have become a daily reality for many men and women, young and old.  More people than ever struggle with insecurity, wrestling with a constant sense of failure or inadequacy.  No matter how hard they try, how much they work, how seriously they diet, how freely they give their hearts away…they never quite seem to measure up.

We are overwhelmed by negative self-talk and starved for authentic friendship.

Comparison and relentless self-critique have become the norm, and so we’ve grown more inward-focused and inauthentic in a desperate attempt to numb the pain and self-preserve.

Well, dear one, it’s time for change. We were made for more.

It’s time for us to stop being catty, and start ROARing.


WHAT CAN YOU DO?  Join the revolution of kindness.

Add YOUR heart, voice, and unique style of influence to the We ROAR Project.

You can download and print free ROAR cards or order gorgeously printed packs of cards …and then go to town!



 Using removable tape (washi works great), stick one on a mirror in an office/school/public restroom.  The inside of bathroom stall doors provide sweet reminders for captive audiences.

 Stick one to the wall above the hand-dryer (this is where it all started – read about it here)

Leave one under the windshield wiper of a van in the grocery store parking lot, with a flower.

 Slip one into a book at the library or bookstore (perfect in a self-help book someone who’s struggling might be drawn to…think surviving young motherhood, divorce, depression, chronic illness, financial woes, etc.)

 Leave one behind at your dentist’s office, in the bank tube at the drive-through, or with a hand-written note for your server at a restaurant.

 Stick one to the locker of the new girl at school, or the cork-board of the new lady at work.

 Hand one to someone who looks like they might need a truth bomb, along with a small bunch of flowers (my kids and I love the flowers from Aldi…they’re cheap and lovely – then we drive around until we find ‘her’).

 Leave one for the weary mom in the McDonald’s drive-through behind you.  Pay for a coffee while you’re at it (there’s a perfect card for this one!).

 Add a $5-$10 gift card onto your grocery store list and leave it behind (with the cashier) for the next weary child-wrangling woman, with an encouraging ROAR.

 Prop one up on a washer at a Laundromat with a handful of quarters.

Get creative, kid, the world is your oyster!

 The cards are small enough to keep in your purse for a stealth ROAR attack.  Pop a roll of colorful washi tape into your bag and you’re set to change the world, one unexpected smile at a time.

Some cards are purely for fun smile-inducing, hope-stirring encouragement, while others are intended to be given with a simple gift (a cup of coffee, a small gift card, a single flower or a bouquet, or a paid meal for the old woman who sits alone every Tuesday in the corner of the diner).

  Doing regular ROAR trips (or adding them into your weekly routine) as a family provide an excellent opportunity to model the art of “otherly love” in front of your kids.  It’s one thing to talk about the importance of generosity and kindness, it’s another to involve them in the process and allow them to see how sweet it truly is to bless others.  My daughter loves taking them to her elementary school and giving them to the girls who get left out of bullied.


HELP SPREAD THE WORD by sharing cards with friends, sharing the website and store link on social media, and by adding the #weroarproject hashtag to any images you post on Instagram.

>> You can share your ROAR story here.

It’s sweet, simple and doable.



A smile.  A sense of belonging.

The magic of being noticed.

The power of truth spoken.

Unsolicited kindness.  Uncomplicated joy.  Brave hope.

The lifting of our own spirits through the act of lifting others’.

Pure goodness.  Unity.

Why?  Because kindness changes everything.